Friday, October 17, 2014

Language of Love

It is hard to believe our little monkey is already two.  It is the most amazing thing to see your little creation go from helpless, to crawling, to walking, to having actual conversations as you sit at the coffee shop next to each other sharing a cookie and hot chocolate.

She may not speak a language that is understandable to most, but unbelievably, I get her.  Sometimes a look is all I need.  She now has the words, but I've always known what a certain look or cry meant.  I knew even when she was a wrapped up baby burrito, what she wanted to tell me.  The scary thing is now she can actually tell me. Here is a brief lesson in Language of Two Year Old 101:

Treat-Treat!  Means give me the fruity snacks.  Cookies, crackers, or any other kind of food don't qualify.  I don't care if it is morning or late at night.  If I don't get a treat, I will follow you around the house and cry like it is the end of the world.  Also know that if you are eating something entirely bad for you, I am all about it and you better share.  If you give me my own bowl of ice-cream, I will make sure to take bites of yours first and then go to my bowl when your's is empty so as to have more.

No-means-don't bother asking me. I refuse just because you want me to, but just as soon as you give in, I may change my mind because you aren't wanting me to anymore.  I also reserve the right to change my mind with the blink of an eye and will want the complete opposite of what I was just upset about.

When I place my name "Cawly" (Carly) in front of anything, this means the object or thing has become mine or that I want to do it or have it too.  Once I have my desired object, if you have something I want, I immediately need to have it.  If a friend comes over and begins to play with a toy I haven't played with since I was born, I immediately will also want that toy.

Mommy, Mommy means pick me up NOW!  I don't know this strange person making strange faces at me and talking funny, I got a boo boo, I am tired and want to sleep, or the best reason of all, I want to smother you in kisses because---Your my mom!

It's a sad fact that I must face-Carly is growing up. Sometimes it's nice, sometimes it's hard to accept that little bundle isn't so little anymore and is one day closer to not fitting in your arms whether to comfort or cuddle.  She now has a mind of her own, and whether I like it or not, she will speak it.